Facility Services

We will be happy to show you what we can do

Building and industrial cleaning

Professional cleaning and maintenance ensures an attractive appearance of your property. stewe therefore offers you various services related to building cleaning, which you can combine individually.

Building and industrial cleaning

Guard and security service

Security is always a highly sensitive issue. The requirements for professional protection are very different. That is why we develop an individual concept for each object.

Guard and security service

Technical building service

We look after your property in all matters relating to maintaining or increasing its value. No matter whether it is a matter of checking and maintaining lighting and heating systems or the electrical system.

Technical building service

Industrial Service

Eliminating leaks increases process accuracy Eliminating leaks not only saves a lot of energy and thus cash, but also increases process accuracy in your production process! Insufficient or constantly fluctuating pressure in the pipeline network leads to inaccuracies in the interaction of the individual components of your production plant, for example when cylinders do not move precisely or valves do not switch in time.

Industrial Service

Service concepts

We work with you to develop models tailored specifically to your facility, which, in addition to improving existing and new services, also aim to optimize your cost situation and hygiene standards.

Service concepts