

Good staff

Recruitment is a long, difficult and above all expensive process

Tailored to your requirements profile, we support you in your search for qualified specialists and managers for permanent employment. The goal of the personnel placement is a tailor-made employee selection, individually according to your wishes.

With stewe as your partner in recruitment, you shift the “unproductive” tasks of this procurement process associated with the vacant position to a partner who has had the appropriate contacts and the necessary experience in recruitment for years to cover your requirements quickly, cost-effectively and competently.

As you can see, you give the complete recruitment for the vacant positions “out of house”, but not “out of hand”!
The recruitment agency is not an alternative to your HR department, but a useful addition!

You only receive applications that are really potentially suitable. This relieves the burden on your HR department and allows you to use the time you save to, among other things, expand the interviews with the candidates we present to you and thus gain an even more comprehensive picture of the individual persons. This further increases the quality of your employees and minimizes the existing risk of miscasting.

With a recruitment agency, you not only save yourself the trouble of sifting through many applications, unfruitful interviews, rejections and invitations, but you also receive potential candidates who have been put through their paces from the outset and can really meet the requirements of the vacant position. At the same time, you remain anonymous for unsuitable candidates, which is often an advantage in view of the existing competitive situation.

Services provided by stewe

Together with you, we create an individual requirements profile, targeted employee search, conduct interviews, flexible probationary period on request through the combination of employee leasing and personnel placement, relief of the personnel department.


Do you need help finding good personnel? We will be glad to help you.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us: 02261 9471-0