Pipe inspection / exhaust pipe inspection / camera inspection

Pipe inspection

Pipe inspection is an essential part of industrial maintenance to ensure the integrity and safety of piping in industrial facilities. During this inspection, pipes are inspected for leaks, cracks, corrosion or other structural damage to prevent potential failures or environmental contamination.

Various methods

There are different methods of pipe inspection, depending on the specific requirements and characteristics of the piping. One common method is visual inspection, where trained personnel visually inspect the pipes for external damage or signs of corrosion. This inspection can also be performed using endoscopes or robots to reach hard-to-reach areas.

Another method is non-destructive testing (NDT), which uses techniques such as ultrasound, magnetic particles, eddy current or X-rays. These techniques make it possible to detect internal damage or corrosion without damaging or opening the pipes. The results are analyzed and evaluated to determine if repairs or replacements are needed.

Scope and frequency of examinations

Pipe inspection should be performed at regular intervals to detect potential problems at an early stage. Depending on the type of piping and the operating conditions, the inspection intervals may vary. Factors such as pressure, temperature, transport medium and age of the pipes influence the frequency and scope of the tests.

Thorough documentation of the pipe inspection is critical.

All inspections performed, damage found, repairs or replacement of pipes should be accurately documented. This documentation serves as proof of compliance and as a basis for future inspections and maintenance work.

Proper pipe testing.

Pipe inspection requires specialized know-how and qualified personnel. It is important that employees have the necessary expertise and proper training to perform the inspections properly. In some cases, it may be useful to bring in external experts or inspection companies to ensure an objective assessment of the pipelines.

Overall, pipe testing is of great importance to ensure the safety, functionality and longevity of piping in industrial plants.

Regular inspections and timely detection of damage can prevent failures and environmental pollution. Careful documentation and cooperation with qualified personnel are crucial to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of pipe inspection.


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